
Dr Mark Gorbatov

Dr Mark Gorbatov is a vitreoretinal and cataract surgeon performing surgery for retinal detachment, vitreous haemorrhage, macular hole, epiretinal membrane, diabetic retinopathy, cataract and related disorders. Read More

Dr Lisa Cottee

Dr Lisa Cottee is a highly skilled country Ophthalmologist. Lisa brings a woman’s touch with many years’ experience both here in Australia and internationally. She is one of the pioneering surgeons in phacoemulsification cataract surgery (which is now common practice) and has taught country eye surgeons this technique. Read More

Dr H. Kwon Kang

Dr Kwon Kang is an ophthalmic surgeon, specialising in retinal disease and vitreoretinal surgery. He is active in research into retinal vein occlusion, macular degeneration and macular hole, and published numerous papers in major international journals. Read More

Dr Paul Beaumont

Dr Paul Beaumont has been a prominent medical retinal specialist in Australia for over three decades and has led the profession in the management of macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and retinal vein occlusion.

Dr Edwina Eade

Edwina Eade is a Consultant Ophthalmologist with subspecialty training in Oculoplastic, Orbital and Lacrimal Surgery and Ocular Oncology.

Dr. Mark Gorbatov

Dr Mark Gorbatov

Dr Mark Gorbatov trained to be an ophthalmologist at Sydney Eye Hospital.

Dr. Lisa Cottee

Dr Lisa Cottee MB BS (Hons), FRACS, FRANZCO Dr Lisa Cottee is a highly skilled country Ophthalmologist. Lisa brings a woman’s touch with many years’ experience both here in Australia and internationally. She is one of the pioneering surgeons in phacoemulsification cataract surgery (which is now common practice) and has taught country eye surgeons this…